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(Everybody goes home 10th april,2014)
 Ooh friend! Let me go lovely and freed,
 For the walk is must and creed,
Far into years mother walked,
Left me alone under breast feed,
And in grandmother’s arm raised.
 At the heart of such red soil,
 Deep down the Earth wail,
 Where my empty body soul,
Shall lie after the long toil.
 In a closed casket
Let my Flesh melt,
And the bones shrink,
 For both are no longer Worth.
 The lonely soul,
Swirls up high in sky,
Bequeath no smile,
But weep, sorrow and grief.
 Ooh friend!
 Live to fight another life,
For no one knows the end of dusk,
 That deeply hidden in the musk,
The musk of glory and endless kingdom,
Where everybody goes home.
 Special to the very sorrowful first week of April 2014 when three students were lost consecutively!